
A cοuρle iп their 50s frοm Kerala is blessed with triρlets.

In 1987, Cicy and George were wed. Since he worked in the Bay Area, they have resided there for over 18 years. Then they returned to Kerala and began their own enterprise. After two years of marriage, the couple began exploring various fertility treatments.

After numerous failed attempts to achieve the desired results, the couple even contemplated abandoning their treatment. Over the past 35 years, we have prayed for a 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥. God has granted us three offspring at this time.

Those who have not experienced infertility are unable to comprehend the anguish and sorrow a woman experiences when she is unable to conceive. Due to the emotional toll it takes on a woman, it is one of the most difficult experiences she may encounter. However, we are currently experiencing the happiest period of our lives,” Irinjalakuda continued.

George Antony, Cicy’s 59-year-old spouse, could not conceal his joy when he and his wife had to wait too long. Oftentimes, one who is waiting is close to despair and wishes to abandon everything.

Not only have the treatments endured nearly 34 years in Kerala, but also abroad. Then happiness smiled, and the husband and wife’s endeavors were also rewarded.

In September, the couple proceeded to Sabine Hospital, which is known for its infertility treatment. In contrast to previous hospital visits, she noticed a difference on this occasion.

“We received the good news four months into our treatment.” When we learned that we were expecting triplets, our gynecologist advised us to cease traveling. Therefore, we rented a home close the hospital,” she explained.

Before she planned to seek treatment in June, Cicy was continuously hemorrhaging. She and her spouse visited a Kochi private hospital to examine and treat bleeding. Doctors advised her to undergo a hysterectomy. However, the couple did not comply and sought treatment at a different hospital.

It was a significant turning point in our lives. At the age of 55, having 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥ren is a gift from God.

Cicy gave 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 to two boys and a girl. Three weeks after giving 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡, they were discharged from the hospital. According to the doctors, the triplets are healthy.

“We face a challenge. With today’s cutting-edge medical technology, age is merely a number. This is the first time we’ve ever had triplets that are 55 years old here.”



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