After Deepika Padukone’s and Ranveer Singh’s fairytale wedding in Italy, everyone is gearing up for Priyanka Chopra’s and Nick Jonas’ wedding festivities that are scheduled to take place from November 29 to December 3. Nick has already landed in India and Priyanka’s mother Madhu Chopra has been spotted overseeing the wedding preparations at the Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur recently. Parineeti Chopra went on record saying that she is highly excited about performing on PeeCee’s songs at the sangeet ceremony.
It was also reported that how like a thorough professional Priyanka will be working till the eve of her wedding festivities and will leave directly from the shoot to the venue. Now, a leading daily has reported that she has also hired a private chopper to ensure she doesn’t get clicked by the paparazzi while reaching the Umaid Bhawan Palace.
A representative from the Mewar Helicopter services confirmed the same to the leading daily and said, “Only one helicopter has been booked for November 29 and December 3. Priyanka will be boarding the helicopter from Udaipur and the helicopter will directly land at Umaid Bhawan Palace on November 29. She will be returning to Udaipur on December 3 by boarding the helicopter from the wedding venue itself. We are yet to receive the names of the people boarding the helicopter from Udaipur. Nick Jonas might join her as well. The same helicopter has also been booked to ferry guests from Jodhpur airport to the Umaid Bhawan Palace. The helicopter will take five to six rounds to ferry guests.”
Well, well isn’t that royalty in itself! The sangeet and mehendi are expected to take place on November 29 followed by a cocktail party on November 30 and a Haldi ceremony on December 1. The wedding ceremonies will be held as per the Hindu and Christian traditions on December 2 and 3 respectively.