Priyanka Chopra and her son, Malti Marie, attended the wedding ceremony of Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal in Udaipur, India. The event, which took place in December 2022, was one of the most high-profile weddings, bringing together prominent figures from business, entertainment, and politics.
Priyanka, who is married to singer Nick Jonas, also attended alongside him. They were spotted at various events leading up to and during the wedding festivities, which were lavish and spectacular, reflecting the grandeur of the Ambani family’s status.
The wedding was held at the opulent Lake Palace in Udaipur, where family and friends gathered to celebrate the union of Isha Ambani, the daughter of Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani, and Anand Piramal, the son of another business tycoon, Ajay Piramal.