Akshay Kumar is back with a bang in the much-anticipated horror-comedy Bhoot Bangla, set to release in 2025. This film brings Akshay Kumar into a spooky yet hilarious adventure inside a haunted mansion, Bhoot Bangla. The story follows Akshay as he encounters supernatural entities while navigating the eerie halls of the mansion. The film also stars talented actors like Kiara Advani and Rajpal Yadav, adding to the excitement and humor. Expect a perfect mix of jump scares, laughter, and Akshay Kumar’s unmatched charm as he takes on the spirits haunting the Bhoot Bangla.
Directed by Priyadarshan, Bhoot Bangla promises to be a rollercoaster of chills, thrills, and comedy. Get ready for a horror-comedy like no other, as Akshay Kumar and the cast deliver a memorable performance in Bhoot Bangla. Don’t miss Bhoot Bangla in theaters in 2025 — where laughter meets the paranormal!