
The Mouth Of A 16th Century Skeleton Stuffed Wіth Brіcks Is A Vаmpire?

The remains of a dead man with a brick stuffed into his mouth, believed to be a spell to defeat an immortal vampire found in Venice, Italy, still have no exact solution and are causing a lot of controversy in the scientific community. learn. Skull remains with bricks stuffed in mouth suspected to be vampires.

The remains of a dead man with a brick stuffed into his mouth, believed to be a spell to defeat an immortal vampire found in Venice, Italy, still have no exact solution and are causing a lot of controversy in the scientific community. learn.

Skull remains with bricks stuffed in mouth suspected to be vampires (Photo: Livescience)

This woman’s remains date to the 16th century when the bubonic plague devastated Europe, 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁ing about 50,000 people, or nearly a third of the city’s population. According to the explanation of Nuzzolese and Borrini at the University of Florence (Italy) in the French Science Magazine in 2010, this woman’s remains were wrapped in a shroud and were considered a vampire. A shroud is needed to cover it because when the corpse shrinks, parts such as fingernails and toenails can grow into vampires. The brick stuffed into the mouth of the remains was probably to ward off the monster and is believed to be the first evidence of a vampire burial in archaeology.

Contrary to the above view, physical anthropologist Simona Minozzi at the University of Pisa in Italy believes that the brick just accidentally fell into the mouth of the woman’s remains. The arguments given by Borrini’s team are not convincing enough. According to Minozzi, there are many bricks and stones around the remains. Because the jaws of corpses are often wide open, it is very likely that bricks and stones will fall into it. Furthermore, there is no clear evidence of a shroud at the collarbone position of the above skeleton. Minozzi calls the idea of ​​vampires nonsense. But in recent years, there has been news about vampires in Italy. She believes that it is just to attract attention and attract research funding.

Borrini’s side rejects the above opinion and will conduct a detailed discussion of the area where this remains was excavated to prove their hypothesis.

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