
A Colorful Bird That Shimmers with Iridescent Glitter

The Rainbow-bearded Thornbill is a bird that boasts an explosion of colors on its face, which transforms into a dazzling display of iridescence in the right lighting. This medium-sized hummingbird, belonging to the Trochilidae family, is approximately 10.8-10.9cm long and features a very short, needle-like bill. Its head is predominantly dark green, with each eye adorned by a white dot. The bird’s rufous crest runs long on top of its head, while a gorget (beard) under its beak features a range of colors from celadon-green to turquoise, yellow, and red at the lower end. Its tail is dark purple, with prominent white tips at the corners. The bird’s feet and beak are both black in color.

The female Rainbow-bearded Thornbill looks quite similar to the male, with the only noticeable difference being the overall dullness of its plumage. Its belly to the under-tail coverts are yellowish-ochre-colored. The female lacks the colorful beard found in males. Juvenile birds have white speckles on the throat, with no beard.

This bird can be found in subtropical or tropical high-altitude grassland, elfin forest, open country with bushy patches and small woodlands, and gulleys with thickets of ferns and bromeliads in Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru.

The Rainbow-bearded Thornbill feeds on nectar from small flowers, low bushes, and shrubs, and will also eat insect prey if available.

The male of this species is only responsible for the 𝓈ℯ𝓍 act, and after that, the female performs all other tasks. The female builds a cup-shaped nest made of woven plant fibers and green moss on the exterior for camouflage, built in a bush, shrub, or tree. The interior of the nest is lined with soft plant fibers, animal hair, and feather-down, into which she lays a single white egg. Once the egg hatches, she feeds the chicks, which are fully-fledged at 7-10 days old.

Although this species has a restricted breeding range, it is considered relatively common, albeit patchily distributed, with little evidence of substantial threats or declines.

Watch this bird on the following video: [insert link here]

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