Brittany Mahomes, who is pregnant, and Patrick Mahomes enjoy a family day at the zoo with their two ðĪðĐðŠððĨren
As Patrick Mahomes settles into his NFL bye week, heâs soaking up family time with wife Brittany Mahomes and their two ðĪðĐðŠððĨren. âGot to go to the zoo today and see some…
Kylie Kelce and Jason Kelce are expecting their fourth ðĪðĐðŠððĨ. Take a look at this adorable pregnancy announcement
Jason Kelce, 37, and wife Kylie Kelce, 32, announced Friday that they are expecting their fourth ðĪðĐðŠððĨ together â a ððððĶ girl. The Kelces, who tied the knot in April 2018 after…
Taylor Swift, Patrick Mahomes, and Other Stars Contributing to a Better World
Whether itâs Grammy winner Taylor Swift or star NFL quarterback Patrick Mahomes, the biggest names in pop culture have made it their business to make the world a better place. Itâs…
Jason Kelce to host late-night show on ESPN starting Jan. 3
Jason Kelce will try his hand at late-night television early next year. Kelce announced during an appearance on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” on Thursday night that he will…
Following their NL MVP victory, Shohei Ohtani and wife Mamiko Tanaka make an unexpected gesture that fans notice
Shohei Ohtani and his wife Mamiko Tanaka had all eyes on them following the Los Angeles Dodgers star’s latest career milestone. On Wednesday, Ohtani was named the National League’s Most Valuable Player,…
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Donna Kelce’s amusing remark regarding Jason’s peculiar world record steals the show
Travis and Jason’s mom always brings laughs. The Kelce brothers have truly started a revolution in the podcast space over the past few years. Since debuting their “New Heights”…
Discover 8 Rare Himalayan Bags That Marian Rivera Owns
Discover 8 Rare Himalayan Bags That Marian Rivera OwnsCategory Share , Service Marian Rivera has a wardrobe that any style enthusiast would envy. And inside the Preview Best Dressed 2022…
Priyanka Chopra shares rare family photos from Mexico vacation with Nick Jonas and daughter Malti. See now
Priyanka Chopra spends family time with husband Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Marie in recent Instagram post. Priyanka Chopra has been thriving both personally and professionally in Australia…
Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra are spotted walking hand-in-hand as they leave the Couture Council Luncheon in NYC
Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra’s state of marital bliss seemed to be going strong as they were spotted locking palms on their way out of the 2019 Couture Council Luncheon…