Anna Kournikova gastó más de 26.000.000 de dólares en casas de lujo en Miami con la estrella del pop Enrique Iglesias

Es posible que Anna Kournikova se haya retirado con sólo 22 años después de 8 años normales en el WTA Tour. De todos modos, su apariencia la convirtió…

La casa de Anna Kournikova en Miami Beach valorada en 9,4 millones de dólares

¿Tienes 9,4 millones de dólares y el deseo de dormir en la misma casa que Anna Kournikova? ¿Sólo una de esas cosas? No importa, ¡sigue leyendo! La propiedad…

Rosalía gana el premio Grammy por ‘El Mal Querer’

La ‘sensación’ catalana interpretó uno de sus últimos singles en la ceremonia de Los Ángeles La estrella catalana Rosalía ganó el premio al Mejor Álbum de Rock Latino,…

YouTuber tests Tesla Cybertruck’s wading ability: turns out Elon Musk’s claims are true

Although it can’t go underwater like a submarine, the Tesla Cybertruck’s ability to overcome flooded areas is truly impressive. The Tesla Cybertruck is very different from your average…

This is Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s house in California

The name Mark Zuckerberg is ringing louder than ever due to the Cambridge Analytica scandals and the improper use made by Facebook, the company of which he is founder and CEO, of the…

How many planes does Bill Gates own? Explore the inside of the billionaire’s plane with a fortune of $80B

The philanthropist and novelist owns three jets, two helicopters, and an amphibious prop plane. Bill Gates’ private aircraft flying has sparked debate. Microsoft entrepreneur turned climate campaigner owns…

Elon Musk continues to have problems: Tesla recalls almost the entire Cybertruck because a part can come off when the car is running

Tesla has issued two additional recalls, the third and fourth, for the Cybertruck since its launch late last year. In the latest recall, Tesla is recalling nearly all…

Facebook Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg and Wife Priscilla Enjoy Low-Key Hawaiian Vacation

A source tells E! News, “They were very chill and down to earth!” Mark Zuckerberg may be a billionaire, but he apparently doesn’t have to spend loads of cash…

Mark Zuckerberg wears a designer T-shirt worth over $1,000

Meta CEO has been changing his style frequently recently, no longer wearing a simple gray t-shirt like before. Mark Zuckerberg wore branded t-shirts while traveling in Ibiza. Mark…

Rick Ross will climb Africa’s highest mountain in TANZANIA

One of the most popular American rappers, Rick Ross, recently made a post on his social media announcing his upcoming visit to Tanzania to climb one of the…