
Motherhood preserved: in Loulan, a 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 mummy and its mother were found

In the heart of the Tarim Basin in northwestern China, the ancient city of Loulan holds the secrets of a bygone era. Here, a remarkable discovery has allowed us to glimpse into the distant past. A woman, who had slumbered for an astonishing 4,000 years, has emerged from the sands of time, her preserved remains astonishingly intact. What sets her apart is her exquisite hair, which still displays distinct features even after millennia.

This enigmatic mummy is just one of the Tarim mummies, a group of ancient bodies discovered in the Tarim Basin dating back to 1800 BC. These mummies have long been associated with the speakers of the Indo-European Tocharian language. However, the Tocharian language eventually faded into obscurity, succumbing to assimilation into the Uyghur population by the end of the first millennium AD.

The story takes an intriguing turn when we consider that it would take an additional millennium before the forgotten Indo-European language was rediscovered. This remarkable event occurred at the outset of the 20th century, shedding light on a language that had long been lost to history.

The preserved beauty of the Loulan mummy is a testament to the mysteries of our past, waiting to be unveiled by curious explorers and scientists. Her presence in the sands of the Tarim Basin reminds us that history, though buried, is never truly forgotten.

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