
“The kitchen is not kept in 3 directions, the bed is not placed in 3 places”, the ancestors taught their 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥ren to remember

The ancients advised their 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥ren and grand𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥ren not to place the kitchen or bed in these three locations, lest they encounter disaster.
"The kitchen is not kept in 3 directions, the bed is not placed in 3 places", the ancestors taught their 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥ren to remember
There is an old saying: “Seeing the kitchen through the door, family fortune flows away”.
According to feng shui principles, placing the kitchen in the house is very important because it is related to the health and fortune of the family. Therefore, when arranging the kitchen, you should avoid the following 3 directions:

The stove does not maintain 3 directions

The kitchen is opposite the main door

There is an old saying: “Seeing the kitchen through the door, family fortune flows away”. This implies that when opening the door and seeing the kitchen, not only will the family’s health and finances suffer, but it will also cause loss and difficulty at work.

The reason is that according to feng shui, the main door is considered a channel carrying air from outside into the house. The kitchen, which is where “treasures of wealth” are stored, when seen through the main door will create a situation where the “vault” is located “in the open”, causing waste and financial loss.

Therefore, it is best to avoid placing the kitchen opposite the main door. If it is not possible to change, homeowners can use curtains or install curtains such as ornamental plants or bars to block energy from the kitchen.

The kitchen should not face Northwest

Northwest is the worst direction for kitchen placement, as it can cause serious damage to the health and career of the man of the house or the head of the family. Especially when using gases for cooking, this situation becomes more serious.

Therefore, the kitchen direction should be adjusted to avoid the Northwest direction, to support the male owner and create conditions for a strong relationship between husband and wife and a happy family.

In cases where it cannot be changed, you can mitigate it by placing a large water bottle in the kitchen, at least 45x60cm in size. If space is tight, an aquarium or water filter is also the solution.

In addition to the Northwest direction, the Southwest direction and the center of the house are also bad directions, so avoid placing the kitchen in these positions.

The kitchen should not face the toilet

The toilet is considered the most polluted place in the house, while the kitchen is where delicious food is created. If the kitchen is facing the toilet, it can cause many problems.

First, bad odors from the toilet are often unavoidable. If the kitchen and bathroom are opposite each other, it can affect the ability to smell and feel comfortable when cooking.

Second, the hygiene of the kitchen is very important, so if the toilet is opposite the kitchen, bacteria from the toilet can spread into the cooking area, causing hygiene concerns.

The bed is not placed in 3 places

Bed plays an important role in human life, because each person spends about 1/3 of their life resting. When placing a bed, you should not only pay attention to comfort but also pay attention to feng shui, and avoid the following:

The head of the bed faces the door

Placing the bed facing the door is not good according to feng shui concept, and can cause health problems. Specifically, the head of the bed facing the door can cause headaches or nightmares. Doors placed opposite the center or end of the bed can cause digestive or joint problems. Therefore, avoid placing the bed facing the door.

Placing the bed facing the door is not good according to feng shui concept, and can cause health problems.

Do not place the bed under the crossbar

Placing the bed under the crossbar can make you feel stuffy, cramped and make the person lying below feel uncomfortable. This can negatively affect sleep and mood. Avoid placing the bed under the crossbar and do not place other heavy objects on the head of the bed.

Avoid placing the head of the bed facing the window

The window is a place for air circulation, and placing the head of the bed facing the window can deprive the homeowner of air and negatively affect sleep and health. Avoid placing the head of the bed facing the window to avoid this situation.

In addition to feng shui factors, peripheral factors such as noise, light and unpleasant odors also affect sleep. It is also important to pay attention to avoiding rainwater and mold in rainy weather. Therefore, it is better not to place the head of the bed facing the window.

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