
This type of tuber commonly found in the kitchen has unexpected effects on men’s health

Atuber commonly found in the kitchen, rich in nutrients, eaten properly also helps men prevent many diseases.
This type of tuber commonly found in the kitchen has unexpected effects on men's health
Garlic is a bulb commonly found in every family’s kitchen. (Illustration)
According to doctor Ha Hai Nam, Deputy Head of Surgery Department 1, K Hospital, garlic is a common bulb in every family’s kitchen. If used properly, garlic is very good for men’s health.

Helps lose weight

Many studies have shown that garlic has the effect of losing weight, reducing bad cholesterol, increasing good cholesterol, and lowering triglycerides. Garlic also prevents cardiovascular disease. According to studies, garlic can reduce the risk of heart disease by 38%, heart attack and stroke by more than 50%.

Garlic also helps reduce blood pressure by reducing blood viscosity. The sulfur in garlic relaxes muscles and blood vessels, thereby leading to a decrease in blood pressure. For people with diabetes, eating a few cloves of garlic can help lower blood sugar naturally.

Increase 𝓈ℯ𝓍ual ability

Few people know that eating garlic helps increase 𝓈ℯ𝓍ual ability in men. People with erectile dysfunction or impotence eat garlic to help produce nitric oxide synthase, needed for erection.

Eating 1-2 cloves of garlic/day continuously for about 2 months will help increase the number of sperm in semen. Creatinine and Allithiamine created by vitamin B1 and Allicin of garlic are the main ingredients involved in muscle activity, improving physical strength for men.

Prevent cancer

Garlic helps reduce the risk of intestinal cancer. The composition of garlic inhibits the process of nitrate turning into nitrite, prevents the formation of nitrosamine, and helps prevent stomach cancer.

Because it has the function of detoxifying, garlic can also prevent the harmful effects of toxins, heavy metals, and carcinogens on the body. Germanium and selenium in garlic help prevent cell mutations, prevent the formation of free radicals, and effectively support cancer prevention.

For people with cancer, garlic slows down tumor growth and reduces tumor size. Therefore, garlic supports and controls many cancers such as breast cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, and bladder cancer.

Flu prevention

Garlic contains sulfur which has extremely strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Using garlic daily helps prevent colds and diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. Eating raw garlic every day helps reduce the risk of catching the flu by 63%, shortens the duration of the cold by 70%, and restores health faster.

Good for bones and joints

Substances in garlic such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese, zinc along with antioxidants and enzymes have a good effect in preventing bone degeneration, improving the body’s ability to absorb calcium, making bones stronger.

For women, eating garlic helps slow down the process of osteoporosis by enhancing the hormone estrogen. For patients with bone and joint diseases, garlic is effective in reducing pain symptoms significantly.

Preventing memory loss

Garlic can also help prevent memory loss and Alzeimer’s disease. For women, garlic also helps them have beautiful skin.

Be careful when eating garlic

However, even though it is a good spice, eating too much can have the opposite effect. In particular, some people should not eat garlic, such as people preparing for surgery or using anticoagulants. Garlic has the effect of thinning the blood, preventing clot formation, inhibiting platelet aggregation, increasing the risk of bleeding and blood loss.

Garlic contains many sulfur compounds, which can cause mouth ulcers, especially when eaten in large amounts, especially raw. People with bloating, stomach pain, or gastrointestinal diseases should be cautious when using garlic.

People with gastroesophageal reflux should be careful when eating garlic because it can reduce the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter, which helps prevent food from being pushed back into the esophagus when it contracts. When this muscle is weak, the upper end of the stomach does not close tightly, leading to reflux of food and acid into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation, heartburn, and nausea.

Above is some information about “The tubers commonly found in the kitchen have unexpected effects on men’s health”. Hopefully you will use it properly so that this tuber can take full advantage.

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